Discover the extensive scope of responsibilities for KAPS/OPRA-qualified overseas pharmacists practicing in Australia. From medication supply and dispensing to medication reviews, disease management, and collaboration with other healthcare professionals, pharmacists play a vital role in ensuring safe and effective patient care. Explore their involvement in prescribing activities and ordering laboratory tests, highlighting their essential contribution to the healthcare system.
Arief Mohammad

Scope of KAPS/OPRA Exam Preparation Course | Elite Expertise-qualified overseas pharmacists
In Australia, the scope of KAPS/OPRA-qualified overseas pharmacists practicing as pharmacists in Australia has a wide range of responsibilities.

1. Medication Supply and Dispensing:
Pharmacists play a crucial role in ensuring safe and accurate medication supply and dispensing the prescribed medications to patients, providing essential counselling on proper usage and potential side effects.
2. Prescribing:
The prescribing rights for pharmacists have been a topic of interest in Australia. Pharmacists currently in Australia are authorized to engage in activities like medication continuance, therapeutic substitution, and therapeutic adaptation.
3. Review Medications:
They conduct thorough reviews of patients’ medication regimens, identifying potential interactions, adverse effects, and opportunities for optimization.
4. Disease Management:
Pharmacists contribute to disease management by collaborating with other healthcare professionals and they adjust the medication plans to individual patient needs.
5. Ordering and Interpreting Laboratory Tests:
In some cases, pharmacists are involved in ordering and interpreting laboratory tests related to medication management.