Learn everything about KAPS/OPRA exam eligibility, including document requirements and application steps. Discover how to prepare effectively with expert coaching and understand the KAPS/OPRA exam content distribution to ensure your qualifications meet the Australian Pharmacy Council’s standards.
Arief Mohammad

The KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences)/OPRA™ (Overseas Pharmacist Readiness Assessment) exam tests your knowledge and understanding of pharmaceutical sciences. Passing it confirms that you know enough to practice safely and effectively in an Australian setting. For international pharmacy graduates aiming to practice in Australia, understanding the KAPS/OPRA exam eligibility criteria and application process is crucial. This guide provides detailed information on KAPS/OPRA exam eligibility, including document requirements and how to apply.
1. What is the KAPS/OPRA Exam?
The KAPS/OPRA exam evaluates your proficiency in pharmaceutical sciences, including pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and pharmaceutical practice. It ensures that international pharmacy graduates meet the standards required for registration as a pharmacist in Australia. By passing the KAPS/OPRA exam, you demonstrate that you possess the necessary knowledge to provide safe and effective pharmacy practice in Australia.

The KAPS exam is divided into two papers, each focusing on different areas of pharmaceutical sciences:

OPRA exam content areas

Understanding the content distribution will help you focus your preparation effectively.
2. KAPS/OPRA Exam Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the KAPS/OPRA exam, you must meet the following criteria:
Pharmacy Qualification: Your qualification must be from a country other than Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom (UK), or the United States of America (USA).

Your qualification must include foundational knowledge relevant to general registration in Australia. The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) will assess your qualifications to ensure they meet these requirements.
Registration Status: You must also meet one of the following conditions:
- Be registered as a pharmacist in the country where you graduated.
- Be eligible to register as a pharmacist in the country where you graduated.
- Be eligible to start the registration process in the country where you graduated.
- Be registered as a pharmacist in another country where the registering authority is recognized by the APC.
3. Document Requirements for KAPS/OPRA Exam
When applying for the KAPS/OPRA exam, you need to provide the following documents:

Passport: Submit a clear image of your passport, including both top and bottom pages. If a passport is unavailable, you may use an Australian or New Zealand driver’s license, an Australian government-issued ID card, or an Immi Card.
Official ID: Provide a photo-bearing ID issued by an official authority.
Birth Certificate: Include a birth certificate as proof of identity. If unavailable, provide a second photo-bearing document.
Qualification Certificate or Letter of Completion: Submit your pharmacy qualification certificate or a letter of completion if the certificate has not yet been issued. The document must detail the full degree, not a provisional certificate, and include the issuing date.
Academic Transcript: Provide a complete academic transcript showing all subjects and examination results for every semester.
Evidence of Registration: Supply evidence that you are eligible to register as a pharmacist in the country where you completed your qualification. Acceptable documents include your registration document, an endorsement letter, or an eligibility to commence letter.
Evidence of Name Change (Optional): If applicable, provide proof of any name change.
Work Experience Verification (Optional): Work experience verification is not required at this time but may be needed in the future.
4. How to Apply for the KAPS/OPRA Exam
To apply for the KAPS/OPRA exam, follow these steps:
Sign in to the Candidate Portal: Access the portal to start your application.
Start Your Eligibility Check: Complete the online form to begin your eligibility check.
Upload Your Documents: Ensure all required documents are uploaded, including both original and English-translated copies.
Pay the Fee Online: Pay the application fee using a card issued by a bank in your country of residence. Contact the APC if you encounter payment issues.
Application Timeline: Apply at least 8 weeks before the registration closing date to ensure timely processing of your application.
5. After You Apply
Processing Time: It typically takes 8 – 12 weeks to complete your eligibility check.
Providing Additional Information: If the APC requests more information, you have 6 months (180 days) to submit it. Failure to provide the requested information within this timeframe will result in the closure of your application, requiring you to reapply and pay the fee again.
Receiving Your Eligibility Response: You will receive an email from the APC informing you whether you are eligible to sit the KAPS /OPRA exam.
6. Preparing for the KAPS/OPRA Exam
To effectively prepare for the KAPS/OPRA exam:
Elite Expertise: Seek specialized coaching from Elite Expertise, an online education platform dedicated to providing high-quality education and practice-based experiences for pharmacy professionals. Elite Expertise offers tailored preparation for the KAPS/OPRA exam, including comprehensive training and resources to help you understand the exam content and format thoroughly.